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Rainy Day

Some mornings are different from others because of some special climatic conditions. Today I am going to describe how I enjoy the scenes and the incidents of a Rainy day. On a rainy morning, most of the time the sun is not visible to us, because it is covered by clouds. So, a rainy morning is a dark, cool and a wet morning.                  In such days I don't feel like waking up because of the cool climate. My mind says it's time to wake up but again it's saying no it's not. So, it creates a little bit of weird inner conversation in my mind. After I am waking up, I start my usual daily routine.                 On rainy mornings I can notice that most of the people wear different costumes than usual. Some people wear raincoats or use an umbrella to cover themselves from rain, but some people don't wear anything special, and they get wet. So, I think rainy mornings are different from other mornings and I love such mornings.

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